
Thursday, May 28, 2009

Brew Run the Second

On top of the brew that Fonnie magically keeps popping up with, we have yet another run to report. Not as big as the first one but we just needed a supplemental run. Listing after the break...

1) Dogfish Head Black & Blue
2) Delirium Tremens
3) Rochefort Trappistes 8

Personal Stash
1) Samuel Adams Cream Stout
2) Samuel Adams Imperial Series Imperial White

Fonnie's Pickups
1) Hoppin' Frog BORIS The Crusher

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Shmaltz Brewing Co. HeBrew Jewbelation Twelve

One of, if not the best brew name ever, HeBrew. Yes, this brew is based all around the Jewish tradition and the bottle has some amazing artwork to demonstrate it (and also a very funny paragraph about all things twelve). This American Strong Ale pours quite dark (but not nearly as dark as the imperials) with a short off-white head. Unlike most of the other beers discussed on this site, the head stayed throughout the entire tasting, which is quite nice. It has a nice aroma of sweet malts, candied fruits, and hops. The taste is very unique as well; bitter sweet and hops-filled. The alcohol, all 12% of it, is covered quite nicely from the outrageous amount of hops in this brew, although it does shine through in the end. The HeBrew Jewbelation Twelve is very smooth with a frothy bitter aftertaste. I would recommend to anyone who is not afraid to try something a little strong and unique.

Appearance - 3.9
Smell - 4.1
Taste - 4.0
Texture - 4.2
Overall - 4.05/5

Shmaltz Brewing Co. HeBrew Jewbelation Twelve

One of the coolest named brews I've ever had - HeBrew. Suggested to us by our own resident Jew at work - he does not mess around and this is further apparent by how good this brew is. We will definitely be trying more of this type of brew based off this first one.

Poured out pretty black - might as well have been called an imperial stout. It had a nice, dark, yellowish head that was very full and lasted quite a while. The edges of the brew had a caramel tint when you held it up to a light but it was still very opaque. It had a very interesting scent that started hoppy and went sweet. The flow of smells was very interesting and there were quite a few to pick out. At the first taste, it seemed a little bitter and then a bit of sweetness came in. It was also very frothy and it ended with a nice alcoholic taste - very subtle considering it's 12%. This brew had quite a bit of body. It was very smooth and I really enjoyed the flow of flavors and textures.

Overall, a great brew. It's was pretty cheap too. I cannot wait to try the other kinds of beer HeBrew puts out. Hopefully the rest are just as good as this.

Appearance - 4.4
Smell - 4.4
Taste - 4.2
Texture - 4.2
Overall - 4.3/5

Stone Brewing Co. Imperial Russian Stout

Another gem from the bastards at Stone Brewing Co. Let's have a look...

Looks? Just as black as the heart of the devil that's on the bottle. It had a very, very full caramel-colored head and tint around the sides of the glass but it was still very opaque - much like most imperial stouts. It had some nice scents of chocolate and caramel and a very apparent barley scent as well - a little overwhelming though, I think. It tasted quite bitter with a nice spice from the roasted barley. There was also a slight hint of caramel at the end. This was a pretty smooth beer - but I thought it was a little watery. The body seemed to be lacking something. It was also pretty warming - probably due to the high alcohol content.

Overall, a pretty decent brew. I thought it was lacking in some departments but overall it seemed to me to be a good brew that would be nice to have occasionally with maybe a dinner or just as a session brew.

Appearance - 4.4
Smell - 3.9
Taste - 4.1
Texture - 4
Overall - 4.1/5

Stone Brewing Co. Imperial Russian Stout

This is a very dark Imperial Russian made by none other but Stone Brewing Co., one of my favorite micros. This beer comes in at #20 on the top 50 list for good reason. This brew pours black with a very nice looking caramel brown head, although it quickly fades, like most imperial stouts. The smell is very distinct of imperials - chocolate, caramel, coffee, and very strong roasted malt. It tastes almost exactly as it smells but with more of a kick of coffee and maybe even black berries or black currant. This beer goes down relatively smooth with a nice bitter aftertaste of alcohol and roasted malt. Yet another winner from the fine folks at Stone Brewing Co.

Appearance - 4.3
Smell - 4.2
Taste - 4.2
Texture - 4.1
Overall - 4.2/5

Brew Tasting the Third

Yet another premiere brew to be knocked off tonight. Just got some Benny's to fill up and now to even the stomach out with some fantastic brew. List after the break.

1) Stone Brewing Co. Imperial Russian Stout
2) Shmaltz Brewing Co. HeBrew Jewbelation Twelve

Monday, May 25, 2009

Weekend Brew

No brew run...but the following has been picked up courtesy of Fonnie over the long weekend. Brew run will be tomorrow and hopefully we'll have some other stuff to throw up on the rating charts. List after the break.

1) Westvleteren 12
2) Westvleteren 8
3) Stone Brewing Co. Russian Imperial Stout
4) Stone Brewing Co. Ruination IPA


Fantastic news everyone. Fonnie's dad just arrived back from a trip to Europe. And, because he's such a God damned gent...we have brew! And not just any brew. Westvleteren 12 and 8 - the pinnacle of brew. Now, we hear this brew is best aged. So, we may age it or review it this Wednesday. Also, expect a brew run update tomorrow night.