
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Founders Breakfast Stout

Nothing says "hello world" like having a stout for breakfast, and founders has one for us appropriately named. This imperial pours black like all the others with a small caramel colored head. The smell of coffee is very prominent has also include subtle tendencies of chocolate, oats, and alcohol. They weren't kidding with the breakfast part because this brew is heavy on the coffee and roasted malts - its like drinking an alcoholic coffee. The finish is very bitter but smooth all the way through, like most other imperial stouts. It has a very nice transition between coffee, chocolate, and roasted oats. If your someone who enjoys a nice coffee in the morning before work, why not pick up one of these instead? (PS. I'm not held responsible for drunken workplace accidents)

Appearance - 3.7
Smell - 4.3
Taste - 4.0
Texture - 4.2
Overall - 4.05/5

Founders Breakfast Stout

Yes! The Founders brew that we've been looking for all this time. I think the only thing that kept drawing us to it was the word "breakfast" so we could have it first thing in the morning. Haha...either way...let's move onto the review.

Pours black as hell with minimal head and a nice film/lacing. Right on par with a classic Imperial Stout. This brew has a nice bouquet of coffee and oatmeal. Strangely though, it's not very reminiscent of classic Imperials. I think I liked it a bit more. The taste was overwhelmingly coffee-like; coffee-lovers will be in heaven here. There's a touch of chocolate at the end but that's about it. The texture was extremely smooth with a nice flow of flavors and not too much of an alcoholic bite - impressive for this 10% brewski.

Overall, just what we were expecting it to be. A very solid Imperial Stout that will probably be up on our roster for Imperials to go back to if we had the choice. We need to get these again to have as a breakfast brew - for real.

Appearance - 4.1
Smell - 4.3
Taste - 4
Texture - 4
Overall - 4.1/5

Brew Tasting the Twenty-second

Here it is - one of our pinnacle beers. For some reason, we've been seeking out this brew for a long time and we finally got it. Here's to hoping it's good...haha. Listing after the break.

1) Founders Breakfast Stout