
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Keegan Ales Old Capital

I went to a local liquor store and they had a chance to build your own 6-pack. So I grabbed a bunch of single bottles and this is one of the ones I got.

This beer pours gold, transparent, and produces a nice white head but it collapses on itself quickly. The nose is slightly hoppy but has no other characteristics - disappointing. The taste indicates very smooth malts, slight hints of hops, but not much else. Texture is very carbonated but very smooth and drinkable - ie: bland.

Drinkability is the slogan of Coors Light - that doesn't bode well for this. It's not bad, but it's nothing you should go in search of. I was a little disappointed.

Appearance - 3.3
Smell - 2.6
Taste - 3.2
Texture - 2.7
Overall - 2.95/5

Anchor Liberty Ale

Anchor has an excellent reputation of making solid, reputable beers for a low price in high quantity. I'm here now to try out one of their most recommended offerings - the Liberty Ale.

Beer pours very golden and transparent with a nice, thick, white head. The nose is of smooth hops, light barley and sweetness. The mouth is hoppy, but not bitter. It has a slight vibe of IPA but it's not nearly citrus-y or bitter enough. The texture is quite smooth and frothy. It has excellent flow in the mouth and there's no abrupt changes in any characteristic.

There's nothing hugely outward of this beer, but it's a standard ale, and a very well-produced one at that. I've yet to have a bad sampling of the Liberty Ale and I'd say it's one of the most solid of the easily-attainable ales - highly recommended.

Appearance - 3.5
Smell - 3.5
Taste - 3.6
Texture - 3.5
Overall - 3.53/5

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Weyerbacher Imperial Pumpkin Ale

An imperial pumpkin ale... interesting. This brew pours light brown with some orange and red tint thrown in. The white head is barely a ring around the top of the glass and fades into good lacing. The aroma is of pumpkin pie, coriander, cloves, cinnamon, caramel. It is a tad sweet but very spicy with a lot of yeast notes. The flavor is of slight pumpkin with a touch of spiciness much like the aroma. A lot more watery and light-bodied than I was expecting at 8% alcohol with an extremely dry finish.

Appearance - 3.4
Smell - 3.9
Taste - 3.4
Texture - 3.2
Overall - 3.48/5

Harpoon Leviathan Belgian Quad

I think this will be our first review from Harpoon Brewery from Boston. If it does well then I will try to get some more from them to review. The pour is semi-translucent brown/red with a thin white head that fades quickly into a small ring around the glass. The aroma is of plums, grapes, alcohol, caramel, and berry syrup. Flavor is of sharp alcohol at first but transitions into bitter/sour fruits and cane sugar in the finish. Dry and medium/heavy bodied.

Not bad, but not very good for the style.

Appearance - 3.5
Smell - 3.9
Taste - 3.2
Texture - 3.2
Overall - 3.45/5