
Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lindemans Pomme Lambic

This is one of our first, literal, fruit beers that we've tried. It's a pretty popular one amongst the liquor stores we visit and cheap. We weren't expecting much, but we expected it to be delicious.

How'd it look? Not too great. It poured our a generic golden color but it had a slight green tint to it and it was a tad cloudy. It produced a nice film, but no head. The smell was great though - just like a sour green apple drink. Personally, I think this should be a girl's drink. There was also a slight alcohol scent. It tasted just like we expected - amazing. It tastes just like sour green apple flavoring and there's almost no beer taste. You could get sufficiently buzzed without knowing it with this beer. It was pretty smooth, although it had no body. There was also a nice fizz that followed the sour taste.

Overall, this was a pretty good beer. It wasn't anything huge, expensive, or complicated. It was just a simple beer that focused on tasting great. It accomplished that very well.

Appearance - 3
Smell - 3.8
Taste - 4.2
Texture - 3.2
Overall - 3.55/5

Lindemans Pomme Lambic

And we finally have our first lambic, took long enough considering we've done, what, 12 reviews before this? Oh well, at least we're starting with an interesting one to begin with. The Lindemans Pomme (apple) Lambic pours greenish yellow in color with a nice robust off-white head. Now we could have started with the traditional raspberry or strawberry lambic but that wouldn't be fun. We jumped right into the green apple. It, of course, smells like green apples - in a way you would expect from a good cider. The taste is strong, sour green apples, slight alcohol sting, and other sweet fruits in the background. It is a good lambic, but I would go to this as a desert beer and not much else.

Appearance - 3.5
Smell - 4.0
Taste - 4.2
Texture - 3.6
Overall - 3.83/5

Brew Tasting the Twelth

Back to the old grind. Live from FBR, it's WNT (Wednesday Night Tastings, for those keeping track at home)! List after the break.

1) Lindemans Pomme Lambic