
Friday, August 7, 2009

Quick Little Update

So, yeah. No review this last Wednesday. My concussion is really getting to the point where I can't deal with it anymore. And I got sick on Wednesday. Alcohol doesn't fix either of those. So, no review. I'm hoping by next week I'm better and we can review another fine brew. Until then, watch the Yankees rape the Red Sox this weekend.

Monday, August 3, 2009

AFA - SigNu Night (Night I Don't Remember)

This is the start to a new section of the site. The AFAs - Alcohol Fueled Adventures. This is a periodic part that I will write (and maybe Fonnie if he can come up with anything) that chronicles one of the numerous crazy stories we've accumulated over the years. Names will be changed to preserve the anonymity of everyone involved. But all stories are 100% true (in accordance to what we can remember). This is the first one - SigNu Night.

This was a fine September afternoon in 2008. JungleJape, Meat, VASlim, FagBag, Freckles, SparkPlug, Waffles, Texas, and multiple multiple others within company decided it was a good day to get drunk. So, we all headed to the top floor of SigNu to drown away our sorrows in a beer or 40. Once up there, we took stock of the beer and liquors available. Being a frat house, there was very little delectable beer to be had, so I promptly avoided the carbonated water they call beer.

There was a bottle off to the side that was whispering my name in the shape of a clear, squared-off glass with a black label - his name was Jack. Jack called my friend Meat and I's names saying that we should enjoy the sweet Tennessee goodness. So, we obliged. It's from here that Meat and I proceeded to split the bottle. Straight. In an hour. We never noticed the burn.

So Meat and I are splitting this bottle of evil whilst the rest of the party is consuming other liquids such as Captain Morgan's, Bacardi Rum, and assorted brewskis ranging from Natty Light to Guinness. It's a good time. Everyone is sharing stories, enjoying alcohol, and basically living the life. We all headed out to the roof of SigNu to enjoy the nice weather where we promptly decided it was a bad idea to drink and be out on a small platform with no railing preventing you from falling 4 stories.

Back inside, Jack started to take his effect on my system. I was getting rather happy and energetic - oh how that would change. So, Meat and I totaled the bottle and then, coincidentally, the party started up downstairs. It was here that things started to get shady. As we proceeded to head downstairs, I brought a beer with me because I didn't have enough alcohol in me at the time. The group partook in pong, flip-cup, and assorted other adult-carnival activities where we would, instead of win prizes, get hammered.

It was at this point, about 2 hours after I started Jack, I blacked out. The night proceeded as normal. I was told that I consumed close to another 4 beers and 3 punches and God knows what else. Next thing I remember, I had my head in the toilet praying to the porcelain gods. Basically, I can't tell much about my night aside from I got fucked up and threw up. Except for later.

I was aided back to my room by SparkPlug, Waffles, and Turtles around midnight. Here, we discovered that my roommates were partaking in alcohol, various plants that cause strange social interactions, and wizardry. Well the costumes, anyway. My good friends found this to be not a good place to leave me for the night. So Turtles watched me for the night as I slept on his floor. But, he didn't watch me too well.

I woke up in the middle of the night and noticed that I did not have my card key with me. I proceeded to walk back to SigNu to find my card. I remember stumbling quite a bit, eventually falling into the house and getting inside. From here I retraced my steps and tried to find my card. Considering I don't remember too many of my steps after leaving the top floor, this search was short. I do remember stumbling into some random room and talking with the people inside (don't remember who) and asking if they saw my card. My search was futile, so I stumbled back to Turtles' room and went to sleep.

And woke up the next morning at 8:30 and worked from 9-3. Yup - no hangover.

So this gets more interesting with my other friends' stories. I only know two worth mention so I'll try to retell them in a Cliffnotes version.

JungleJape had an interesting night that I know consisted of a half a bottle of Bacardi, 8 beers and numerous glasses of punch. His story ended just as well - Nixon brought him to a couch in SigNu and JungleJape proceeded to throw up on his shoes - none of which he remembers. He woke up the next morning at 8AM and stumbled back 30 minutes to home. Sensational.

The final story is that of Meat. After the half a bottle of Jack, he proceeded to consume 10 beers and 5 punches. He recalls all of this. He eventually headed outside and hung out on the porch of SigNu and helping bounce guests. The real story happens the next morning. Meat woke up to the voices of VASlim and FagGag saying "Holy shit!" Meat awoke from his hibernation to find himself, and the wall behind his bed, covered in vomit. Meat claims this explosion stretched half way up the wall behind him. This ruined his sheets and clothes and he spent the whole day re-cooperating and cleaning.

It's all fun and games until someone throws up. Then it's awesome.