
Thursday, November 5, 2009

6 Months

I can't believe that its already been nearly six months since this blog has started... Next Wednesday the 11th marks, exactly, the half anniversary. To celebrate this great achievement, Deke and I have decided to crack open one of the Westvleterens.

We will be reviewing the Westvletern 8 in 6 days time, stay tuned.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Southern Tier Jah-va

I did say we would probably be revisiting Southern Tier. And here we are. First up in a line of extraordinary brews is the Jah-va. Obviously this is based on coffee, so let's get started.

It pours out a very black color, like an imperial stout, with a slightly tan rim. It's also completely opaque. It smelled a lot like coffee. It had some dark malts thrown in there with a few scents of chocolate and sweetness (sugar). How did it taste? Amazing. An overwhelming taste of chocolate and coffee with what seemed like a slight hint of licorice. The coffee taste was quite strong though - almost like Starbucks coffee. I couldn't tell if the strong taste was from the alcohol or the coffee but whatever it was, it was pretty well masked from its true identity. The texture was extremely smooth with a very nice flow of flavors. There was hardly any bite from the coffee or alcohol and I noticed the drink produced a very nice warming effect.

This is probably up there with one of my new favorite coffee-type beers. It was a true joy to drink, it was extremely smooth and had great flavor. I'd love to have this with a coffee-like dessert like tiramisu or coffee cake on a winter night. Excellent combination.

Appearance - 4.2
Smell - 4.3
Taste - 4
Texture - 4.5
Overall - 4.25/5

Southern Tier Jah-va

Another Southern Tier... we don't lie here at Fine Brew Reviews. This unique beer pours black, which isn't surprising since its part of their imperial/black water series, with a caramel colored head that quickly fades into nothing. The smell is strong - coffee. Besides that I can sense some hints of dark malts, chocolate, and sweet hints (probably caramel). The taste is very strange for a beer, its like someone took an iced coffee and poured some alcohol and malts in it. At the end of the initial coffee taste there are subtle hints of chocolate which a bitter alcohol finish. It masks the 11% alcohol very well, and is one of the smoother brews we have reviewed thus far. Highly recommend to anyone who enjoys a nice cup of joe with a kick.

Appearance - 3.8
Smell - 4.0
Taste - 4.0
Texture - 4.2
Overall - 4.0/5

Brew Tasting the Sixteenth

Gonna get this one in...there are more pressing matters at hand. GO YANKEES!

1) Southern Tier Jah-va