
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Victory Storm King Imperial Stout

We started off with a nice barley wine and ale from Victory, so its about time that we head back over to the stout direction and try out their top rated Storm King Imperial Stout. We'll see if it lives up to its name of being... the king. It pours black with a nice big caramel-colored head that lasts for quite a bit longer than expected. Normally with imperial stouts if there is any head at all its a good day, but this one is beyond substantial and leaves me filled with hope and curiosity.

The aroma doesn't exactly hold a candle to the appearance and is pretty mundane: chocolate, roasted malts, hops, and barley. All pretty standard. The first taste is very surprising with a bitter hop kick in the beginning that fades into a nice chocolate and barely finish. All and all not as complex and texture filled as I expected, but still very good.

Appearance - 4.3
Smell - 3.9
Taste - 3.8
Texture - 4.0
Overall - 4.0/5

Victory Storm King Imperial Stout

This was one roller coaster of a beer. This is my first sampling from the Victory company and it was interesting enough to make me go back to try them again.

This brew pours a very deep black with a ton of head - very strange for an Imperial Stout. Otherwise, the characteristics where all of an Imperial Stout. It smelled very chocolaty with very rich malts and sweet notes. The taste was much bitter than I expected - I'd go as far to say it was just all bitter. There wasn't much else to taste aside from the bitter malts and ever so small hints of sweetness. The texture, as well, was bitter. It was also pretty carbonated and smooth - an interesting combination.

This was a really interesting brew going from high ratings at the beginning to mediocre at the end. Definitely an interesting brew and definitely something to try if you're looking for a not-so-Imperial-Stout.

Appearance - 4.4
Smell - 4.3
Taste - 3.5
Texture - 3.8
Overall - 4.0/5

Brew Tasting the Twenty-fifth

Here we are again with yet another top-tier Imperial Stout. Made by the wonderful Victory company out in Pennsylvania, this has a taste inspired by brewers in the Pacific Northwest. Let's see how it fares. Listing after the break.

1) Victory Storm King Imperial Stout

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Beer Snob?

I wear that title with honor.

Graph of Beer

My friend found this on this website. I found it very interesting and useful to help understand where the brews we try fall on a relative scale. Also helps to identify your tastes, if you're ever looking to try any of these beers.

BrewDog Tactical Nuclear Penguin

Penguin Awesomeness

We will get this. Watch the video. Amazing.

Edit: Nope. Not unless someone gives it to us. It costs almost $65 alone for a bottle, which we were going to do, until we were hit with the $70 shipping. Ouch. Gonna pass on this.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Harpoon Celtic Ale

I decided to pick up another Harpoon ale after the word "Celtic" drew me to it. I enjoyed the Summer Ale a decent amount so I figured I'd take a stab at their Irish offering.

The brew pours with a full white head and nice carbonation. It has the look of a classic Irish Red Ale. It had the classic ale scent that was full of hops and barley. The taste was a boatload of barley with a dash of hops. It was really beery with a touch of citrus notes. The texture, however, was quite thin, albeit smooth. There wasn't a whole lot of body and it was a little too carbonated-tasting - almost like a soda.

This was a solid brew - definitely something I'd pick up again if I can find it. It holds its own as a solid session beer and something to have on occasion. Nothing special, but something definitely worth noting.

Appearance - 3.7
Smell - 3.5
Taste - 3.3
Texture - 3.0
Overall - 3.38/5