
Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Samuel Adams Imperial Series Imperial White

Here is another of the Imperial Series brews from the fine folks at Samuel Adams. It intrigued me because when think "Imperial" I think "motor oil." This is quite the contrary. Let's see what we get.

Poured into the glass it produced a very nice, opaque, golden-hued beer. It had a nice film around the edge after the head settled. The aroma consisted of a lot of hops. It was also pretty sweet - reminded me a little of traditional Samuel Adams Boston Lager. Aside from this, it was a pretty complex scent and I couldn't pick everything out. As for the taste, there wasn't much to say at the start of it but at the end there was a hit of everything. There was a nice combination of barley and spices and a slight bite from the aforementioned barley and alcohol content. This was a pretty smooth beer but it was a little unbalanced in terms of taste-flow. It started with not much of anything, kicks you with a spice and it ends bitter. It reminded me a little of Chimay White in terms of overall flow.

Overall, this was another fine brew. It was a little strange in the way it was constructed and how the textures and tastes flowed, but it was still decent. The Double Bock is still my favorite Imperial Series brew but this holds up the name quite well.

Appearance - 4.2
Smell - 4
Taste - 4.1
Texture - 3.8
Overall - 4.03/5

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