
Friday, January 15, 2010

Brooklyn Brewery Black Chocolate Stout

Even though I went to the brewery with Deke about a month ago this is the first one from Brooklyn Brewery that I've reviewed formally, so I started with one of their Winter seasonals: Black Chocolate Stout. This brew pours black with a creamy chocolate colored head. The smell is of dark chocolate, dark malts, caramel malts, licorice, and roasted malts, pretty much all normal for an Imperial Stout. The taste is a little stronger on the alcohol front than I expected but fades quickly into a dark chocolate and bitter barley aftertaste. Smooth and strong at the same time but still lacking when compared to some other higher-rated Imperials.

Appearance - 3.8
Smell - 4.2
Taste - 4.0
Texture - 3.9
Overall - 3.98/5

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