
Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bear Republic Red Rocket Ale

Time to venture out to a new brewing company yet again, and this time its Bear Republic. Yet another place located in California, but thankful (like our good friends at Stone) they distribute to the East coast. This strong ale pours golden brown with a slight red tint and a small one finger wide off white head. The smell is a lot more fruity than I was expecting and also has nice hop and floral hints. Light and soft front, almost Abbey Dubbel like. The taste is almost nothing like the aroma and has hints of roasted malts, hops, citrus and booze with a very subtle caramel/sweet flavoring throughout.

Hopefully we'll be trying some more from Bear Republic soon - first impressions are always nice.

Appearance - 3.8
Smell - 4.0
Taste - 3.4
Texture - 3.4
Overall - 3.65/5

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