
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Harpoon Celtic Ale

I decided to pick up another Harpoon ale after the word "Celtic" drew me to it. I enjoyed the Summer Ale a decent amount so I figured I'd take a stab at their Irish offering.

The brew pours with a full white head and nice carbonation. It has the look of a classic Irish Red Ale. It had the classic ale scent that was full of hops and barley. The taste was a boatload of barley with a dash of hops. It was really beery with a touch of citrus notes. The texture, however, was quite thin, albeit smooth. There wasn't a whole lot of body and it was a little too carbonated-tasting - almost like a soda.

This was a solid brew - definitely something I'd pick up again if I can find it. It holds its own as a solid session beer and something to have on occasion. Nothing special, but something definitely worth noting.

Appearance - 3.7
Smell - 3.5
Taste - 3.3
Texture - 3.0
Overall - 3.38/5

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