
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Ølfabrikken Porter

This is a category we have not ventured into yet - porters. Luckily, we did - because this brew was fantastic.

It poured out with a black color, very opaque, with no head and tan lacing (Imperial Stout?). It had a nice malty smell, but not roasted. It also had hints of chocolate and caramel sweetness - like an Imperial Stout. The taste was phenomenal. It was like an Imperial Stout without the inherent bitterness. Wonderful chocolate and coffee notes and overall sweetness. It even had a coffee aftertaste which, because I like coffee, I enjoyed. The texture, although, was rather thin. The flavor flow was good though and it goes down smooth.

Overall, if I had to give this a distinction, I'd say it was a beer that would come out of Dublin if Guinness started making Imperial Stouts. I loved it and if you like heavy, dark beers, you will too.

Appearance - 4.2
Smell - 4.2
Taste - 4.7
Texture - 3.9
Overall - 4.25/5

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