
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Keegan Ales Old Capital

I went to a local liquor store and they had a chance to build your own 6-pack. So I grabbed a bunch of single bottles and this is one of the ones I got.

This beer pours gold, transparent, and produces a nice white head but it collapses on itself quickly. The nose is slightly hoppy but has no other characteristics - disappointing. The taste indicates very smooth malts, slight hints of hops, but not much else. Texture is very carbonated but very smooth and drinkable - ie: bland.

Drinkability is the slogan of Coors Light - that doesn't bode well for this. It's not bad, but it's nothing you should go in search of. I was a little disappointed.

Appearance - 3.3
Smell - 2.6
Taste - 3.2
Texture - 2.7
Overall - 2.95/5

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