
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Goose Island Rare Bourbon County Stout

This is a review from a few months back and I thought I'd share since this beer is amazing.

Pour is pitch black with a very thin tan head that fades into nothingness almost instantly. Little to no lacing at all on the glass and faint carbonation. Aroma is of strong bourbon (pappy van winkle) with slight notes of roasted barley and molasses. Flavor is sharp on the bourbon with a mild bitter, hoppy finish. Great bourbon flavor in the aftertaste. Some molasses, coffee, and burnt malts. If you are a bourbon fan this will be amazing, if not, its not worth the cost.

Appearance - 4.0
Smell - 4.2
Taste - 4.3
Texture - 4.0
Overall - 4.13/5

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