
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Hair of the Dog Adam

Hair...of the Dog? What a peculiar name for a company. I hope it's reflected in their beer (in a good way). Here's the Adam, the top Traditional Ale on ratebeer.com and, reportedly, one very solid beer.

Pours a dark, dark brown. It has a strange purple tinge up to the light. It also has a gradient of light brown when held up to the light. It has minimal head with good lacing. Nose is of dark and light fruits. It has hints of coffee and chocolate. There's also a handful of dark hops and a balanced mix of barleys - a very balanced and inclusive smell. The taste starts a little bitter from the hops and the spice from the barley. The middle has a touch of chocolate and coffee. It finishes off with fruits and alcohol. The resultant texture is an extremely balanced mouth, well placed feel, and not too much of one, single thing.

Simply put, one of the weirdest, but best beers, I've ever had. It had a little bit of everything, but not in the way that it has no identity. It does everything very well as opposed to one thing extremely well. And that's alright by me. Impressive stuff - can't wait to try Fred.

App - 4.1
Smell - 4.4
Taste - 4.6
Text - 4.7
Overall - 4.45/5

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