
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Tröegs Rugged Trail Nut Brown Ale

Here's a nice brown ale out of Pennsylvania by the Tröegs Brewing Company. I had high hopes for this beer. I enjoy a nice brown ale from time to time. Let's see how it fared.

Pours a dark brown with a slight amber hue when held up to light. It has no head but it's strangely carbonated. The smell is very stouty with hearty dark barley and hops. The taste is pretty bitter and surprisingly hoppy for a dark brew. Kind of flat and not enough barley taste. The texture is very very strange. It's bubbly, to match the carbonation. But, it's pretty bitter and doesn't match the rest of the characteristics of the beer.

Overall, not a very special beer. I guess it would be a nice alternative to other cheap, dark ales. But, I don't find it to have any special characteristics that would keep me from buying a Samuel Adams or Dogfish Head variant. Ok, but could use some work.

Appearance - 3.6
Smell - 3.2
Taste - 2.9
Texture - 3
Overall - 3.18/5

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