
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Ken Schmidt Maui Stone Kona Coffee Macadamia Coconut Porter

Yeah, try saying the full name of this beer five times fast... though so. The story behind this beer is that Stone Brewing Co. had a competition in which home brewers would send in their creations and Stone would buy the recipe for the best one and mass produce it. Ken Schmidt won.

This porter pours brown/black with a thin off-white head that fades very quickly. The aroma is of nuts, chocolate, barley, and coffee. The taste is very unique and actually tastes much like the name of the beer - initial flavor of coconuts and macadamia nuts, and then it transitions into a coffee and barley finish. Overall the beer is kinda watery, the best way to describe it would be that it tastes like Guinness mixed with coffee, macadamia nuts, and coconuts. Strange, but good.

Appearance - 3.8
Smell - 3.9
Taste - 4.0
Texture - 3.9
Overall - 3.9/5

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