
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Carlow Brewing Co. O'Hara's Celtic Stout

*gasp* I know, how dare I. The only Irish brew I should be drinking is Guinness. But, this little gem caught my eye. O'Hara's Irish Stout sounded Irish enough for me to try. Let's get to business.

Poured out, take a wild guess what it looked like? That's right - black. Almost like an Imperial Stout, but not as viscous as one. There was almost no head but a nice tan film left behind and a slight bubble to the brew. It had a nice aroma of hops and the spice of barley. There was also an overall roasted smell to the beer. It tasted slightly creamy to start but the bodied bite from the barley and spices kicked in. The spicy flavor sticks around for a little while while the hops flows in at the end. The texture was a little watery - reminiscent of Guinness. It had a little body but it was a tad thin. The flow was a little sudden between flavors. I don't think there was enough hops in this beer - hops/barley ratio was off.

This beer finished off with a 3.88. Compared to Guinness (Anniversary edition, may I note) which finished off with a 4.2, there is a clear bias with me. But, compared to normal Guinness Draught, I do believe this is a fair comparison. I would be so bold as to say it might be better. I did enjoy it, I just wish it was cheaper. It cost more than Guinness for 2 less beers. Cheaper and it may be a new constant for me.

Appearance - 3.9
Smell - 4
Taste - 4
Texture - 3.6
Overall - 3.88/5

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