
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dogfish Head Chateau Jiahu

This is quite an interesting brew that Deke picked out. Apparently it comes from a 9000 year old recipe that Dogfish Head has gotten their mitts on. This ancient brew pours a nice yellow/golden color with a big white frothy head that quickly fades into nothing. This beer reminds me greatly of sparkling cider when the head dissapears. It is also highly carbonated. The aroma does not have much going on and the only things that I can pick out are white grapes. I can really tell that this is an acient brew once I taste it, it tastes almost nothing like beers that we know and love today. There is an inital alcohol kick and then the taste moves to a wine-like-flavor. A very weird/different one indeed.

Appearance - 3.6
Smell - 3.4
Taste - 3.8
Texture - 3.7
Overall - 3.63/5

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