
Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dogfish Head Chateau Jiahu

This is a very interesting brew. I read about this in an article online announcing the up-and-coming summer Dogfish Head brews. I figured, 9000 year old recipe...sounds exotic, probably worth a shot. Was able to pick it up at Shop Rite (the king distributor of all exotic brews, for whatever reason) and Fonnie and I gave it a shot.

Poured out, it produced a very nice, clear, golden color. It actually looked a lot like sparkling apple juice. It had a very full head when I poured out it but it fell quickly. It produced a constant fizz as well. It smelled a lot of grapes - almost wine-like in scent. There was a dash of hops in there, but not too much. Otherwise, this had a very neutral, almost lacking, scent. It tasted quite bitter - almost dry. Along the dry lines, I noted that it tasted a lot like a dry, white wine. There was also a slightly alcoholic taste at the end, but not a whole lot in the lines of beer flavors. We asked the very-neutral-to-beer Sparker to taste it and she agreed it didn't really taste like beer (although she still didn't like it...we will convert her eventually). The texture was a lot like wine. Smooth but a little watery. The only reason it was smooth was because it had little-to-no body and there was nothing to get in the way.

Overall, this was a brew that obviously came from 9000 years ago. Beer didn't turn into the beer we think of today until the medieval times and this is clearly apparent here. This was more reminiscent of wine than brew. It was good, but not a beer that we would purchase again for the intent of drinking beer.

Appearance - 3.9
Smell - 3.7
Taste - 3.9
Texture - 3.7
Overall - 3.8/5

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