
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Southern Tier Oat

Southern Tier - up until this point I haven't heard of this company. But, I looked into their resume after this review and I've suddenly fell in love with them. Here's the first of many reviews from Southern Tier.

This imperial stout pours black like every other IS we've had and produces a minimal head. It smells very chocolate-y with a slight oatmeal scent and a bit of alcohol. The taste is the polar opposite of what you smell, though. It has barely any chocolate taste, the oatmeal is very prominent and it's rather alcoholic. It was truely delicious. The texture was extremely smooth and thick. It did seem to have a small body though; not very hearty. It also had a rough bite from the alcohol.

Overall, I truely enjoyed this beer. It was a little thin but it tasted great and I feel like it would go well with a dessert or warm meal (like steak). The big story here is that Southern Tier made a great first impression on me and I'm definitely trying more from this company.

Appearance - 4.3
Smell - 4.5
Taste - 4.2
Texture - 3.9
Overall - 4.23/5

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