
Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Flying Dog Horn Dog Barley Wine

Here's a new brew from a new company. Well...new to us. We haven't had too much from Flying Dog before. We weren't expecting too much - more like the beers from Magic Hat or a lower-caliber Dogfish Head. But, we were expecting interesting. And we got it.

Pours a nice amber color with a well-reproduced off-white head. It was a little opaque though - kind of strange for the color and type. The smell was a lot of alcohol - a tad off-putting. It smelled a lot like wine with small sweet fruits (apricots, raspberries) but not in a pleasant way. This beer tasted very...confusing. This is the only word we could come up with it. It tasted nothing like it smelled - more like a weak wine with only a fraction of alcohol that we initially smelled. The texture was kind of smooth but, again, it was confusing. It had a strange flow of flavors that went from velvety to alcoholic. Almost too alcoholic. Very off-putting, again.

We weren't expecting excellence when we had this, but we were expecting a little bit more. But, Barley Wine is a seldom-touched beer-type by most companies and you have to hand it to a company for trying. I think if they just work a bit more on body and hiding the overwhelming hit of alcohol, I think they'd have a bit of a gem in this beer.

Appearance - 3.7
Smell - 3.2
Taste - 3.2
Texture - 3.2
Overall - 3.3/5


  1. what are you a bunch of douche bags? drink a real man's beer

  2. I should probably take this time to note that all comments are moderated. I thought I'd let this one go through to let people know the kind of useless comments that we do not tolerate on this blog. We appreciate any and all suggestions and comments on our reviews. But, badmouthing with no backing of any kind is just pointless. You, sir, are a fuck. Either come back with something useful or move onto something else.
