
Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mikkeller Beer Geek Breakfast

And this is it. Beer Geek Breakfast paired with some chocolate chip pancakes for the perfect way to start a new day.

This brew pours black with a nice caramel colored head that quickly fades, although it leaves behind some pretty nice lacing. The smell is of coffee. I know I say that for a lot of the stouts and imperial stouts but this really smells just like coffee. Almost no malt or hop aroma whatsoever. The taste is also very strong on the coffee but includes hints of chocolate, roasted barley, and a little tinge of alcohol. This is far and above better than any other normal stout that I've had but its complexity does not come anywhere close to that of a good imperial stout. Still, its good, and even better when paired with a nice breakfast.

Appearance - 4.2
Smell - 4.0
Taste - 3.8
Texture - 4.0
Overall - 4.0/5

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