
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Westvleteren Abdij St. Sixtus 12

This is it. The brew we have been (literally) waiting for. This beer has been in our possession, brewing, for about a year. And we finally had it. Let's see how the best beer in the world (as rated by most beer sites) fared.

Poured out a solid brown/amber color. It was pretty translucent but a lot of sediment was also visible. The beer laced very nicely and reproduced a head on swirl very readily. The Westy had a nose of dark and light fruits (grapes) and a touch of barley and sweet hops. The taste had no trace of bitterness and it was mostly sweet from the fruits present in the brew. It felt very hearty and the combination of the barley and sediment gave it a very velvety taste and texture. It was, overall, extremely smooth. The alcohol was extremely well covered but it still had a warming sensation to it - evidence of the ~10.5% ABV.

Overall, it was everything we thought it would be and then some. It was probably one of the most solid brews Fonnie or myself have ever enjoyed. It didn't have any tricks up its sleeve (like coffee or chocolate or any weird [but tasty] bits in it). It was just a beer that was brewed with the most attention it could have been given and it resulted in a beer that was, literally, touched by God. Keep on going monks, this shit rocks.

Appearance - 4.3
Smell - 4.8
Taste - 4.5
Texture - 4.6
Overall - 4.55/5

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