
Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Westvleteren Abdij St. Sixtus 12

Here it is ladies and gentlemen, the king of them all, the top of the mountain, the apex of beer, the Westvleteren 12. This particular beers journey has been vast. It started out at the brewery in Belgium and made its way to a second-hand beer store in Amsterdam. While my father was there on a trip he bought it and brought it back home, which then made its way back up to my school. So this beer has been on two trains, in two cars, on at least one airplane, and moved back and forth between three different rooms. Hopefully it has survived.

The Westy 12 pours deep brown with a lot of sediment and a thin frothy white head. The brew has a slight amount of carbonation and leaves very good lacing when the head disappears. The aroma is extremely complex and quite sweet. Included in it is notes of plums, raisins, white wine, and a little bit of hops/spice. The taste is magical - dark fruits, light fruits, sweet malts, and a slight hoppy backbone. No trace of alcohol at all. Let me remind our reader (readers maybe) that this brew is over 11% alcohol even though I could drink this all day long.

It may be part hype, it may be part mystery, but there's no escaping the fact that this is by far the best Belgian Quadruple I've ever had... and that is saying a LOT.

Appearance - 4.1
Smell - 4.7
Taste - 4.5
Texture - 4.6
Overall - 4.48/5

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