
Saturday, May 15, 2010

What's Next?

If you look through the most acclaimed beer websites on the net, the Westvleteren 12 is the top beer received by most critics. We acquired this beer a little under a year ago and have been letting it self-brew in the fridge for all that time, intending on having it on the 1-year anniversary of the blog. But, what some may think, is next?

Well, our initial goal was to top off the ratebeer.com Top 50 list. After further review, we noticed that the Top 50 is populated by mostly 2 beer types (Quadruples and Imperial Stouts). We then revised this goal to hit the top 5 (or so) of each beer style; broaden our views and have the best of each category. This will still happen, but we need to establish a new Mount Olympus.

We were thinking about setting our sights on the Tactical Nuclear Penguin or the Samuel Adams Utopias. Both of which are very expensive, but extremely alcoholic and rare beers. Also, BrewDog just released the Sink The Bismarck!, which is 41% ABV - we're also looking into this on the scale of extreme beers. If our readers (pending there are any) have any other suggestions on top beers we should investigate, please let us know in the comments. The community is the strongest part of the craft beer business and we like to hear feedback from that community - it may help us find something new!

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